Schalast | Team

Jens Schmidt


Jens Schmidt is a Manager in the banking supervisory and accounting areas providing auditing and advising services according to the HGB (German Commercial Code) and IFRS.


Jens Schmidt advises and audits companies in the financial sector, in particular credit and financial services institutions, on matters related to banking supervisory law, risk management, and accounting. His consulting focuses on all questions related to the MaRisk (in particular in the areas of risk controlling, internal auditing, and trade and credit processes), requirements of the EMIR, and accounting in accordance with the HGB and IFRS. Furthermore, Jens Schmidt has experience in founding and structuring companies regulated under financial market supervisory law, as well as implementing regulatory requirements in banking organization. Furthermore, he has many years of expertise in auditing compliance with regulatory requirements and accounting requirements in the course of annual and interim financial statements at credit institutions governed by the EZB and BaFin.

After completing his degree in economics at the Ruhr University Bochum with a focus on “accounting, finance, and taxation,” Jens Schmidt audited and advised credit and financial services institutions at an international auditing firm (big four) and a mid-sized corporate consulting firm before joining Schalast Auerbach.